Original upload date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 23:25:03 GMT
Filmed in Shankill Dublin last week, this is Meteor's newest TV ad, just gone live today - it's one of Meteor's biggest ever productions.
Steven Green is director - http://www.sweetmedia.ie/directo
rs/steve_green - with Sweet Media as production company, QMP as agency and written by Ronan Nulty.
The music is by Two Door Cinema Club and is called Undercover Martyn.
This is all to launch Meteor's new "Your Social Network On Your Mobile" service, which they describe as their new "Smart Plans and is the Only Operator to offer Pre Pay Customers Free Internet on Your Phone"
From the press release:
Meteor Launches its new Smart Plans and is the Only Operator to offer Pre Pay Customers Free Internet on Your Phone
According to a recent survey by Meteor more and more of us are using our mobile phones on a regular basis to check the Internet - popular destinations include social network sites such as Facebook or Twitter (accessed by 74% of daily/weekly mobile internet users), e-mail accounts (60%) and over 30% on video sites such as You Tube.
The only operator to offer Pre-Pay customers free data, Meteors Anytime Choice tariff now includes up to 250MB free internet browsing and free Meteor to Meteor texts, so you can change your status on the go, check new posts and keep an eye on event invites from all your friends.
So what does 250MB browsing mean? Well, it will allow you to browse 10,240 mobile sites, download 190 music tracks and read or receive 4,250 emails!*
Six new Smart Plans on Meteors Bill Pay portfolio will also be available from tomorrow, the 9th of April. The new plans will each include a talk, text and mobile internet allowance within the tariffs, with flexible contract lengths, ranging from sim-only to 12 months and 18 month contracts. In true Meteor style, these plans will also offer customers the best value available on the market for people using Smart phones.