TaMMie Brown featuring Michael Catti "Walking Children in Nature"
Uploader: ItsTaMMieBrown
Original upload date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 00:33:07 GMT
The all new video of TaMMie's 2nd hit single of her hotly Anticipated Sophmore album "HOTSKUNX / ZORILLOS CALLIENTE'!!!. Accompanied by Michael Catti with animation by multimedia superstar artist Chri
stopher Young! Avant -Garde Performance Folk Rock Star TaMMie Brown.. is finally here to GROOVE you down!
Check out TaMMie Brown's website: www.Tammiebrown.net
Subscribe to TaMMie's Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ItsTaMMieBrown
TaMMie also has videos on Rod Barroso's Youtube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/rod1million
Like TaMMie Brown Fan page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tammie-Brown/178743402175891
Follow TaMMie Brown (Planet TaMMie) on Instagram: http://instagram.com/planettammie
Follow Tammie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thetammiebrown
Reviews form TaMMie Browns last album "Popcorn":
"Rather than the over-eager dance tracks you might expect, Popcorn actually feels like all the real parts of a real drag show, complete with all of Tammie's asides, interactions with her musicians, and "ooo's!" and giggles between sets. "
- Alex Wilburn, Out Magazine's Popnography Blog
"Clearly the fabulous Miss Tammie Brown isn't stuck one niche--she's got it all. Moving through the world with minimum waste and maximum joy, Tammie breaks us off tracks with a little electro, a little blues and something to smile about with her ukulele-accompanied tracks. I'm sure that "Popcorn - EP" is just the tip of the Tammie Brown iceberg."
- Remix lab , commentator on ITunes
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