Q&A #17: Bullpups, Stocked Pistols, Delayed Blowback, and More!
Uploader: Forgotten Weapons
Original upload date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 03:48:20 GMT
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0:26 - Can roller delayed blowback system be relevant in modern guns?
3:32 -
Difference between gas tappet and short stroke gas piston
6:00 - Cleaning procedure, particularly for corrosive ammunition
7:32 - Brief synopsis of Yugoslavian post-WWII Mausers
10:45 - Final weight of WWSD carbine
11:44 - What hindered automatic arms development during WWI?
16:55 - Why not use MLOK/Keymod for optics?
18:05 - Forward-acting gas pistons?
19:26 - My opinion on the Remington bankruptcy
22:18 - Will 3D printing allow squeeze-bore rifles?
25:39 - What was the last US cavalry carbine?
26:20 - When the the Potato Digger leave US service?
28:11 - What was the first gun I bought specifically as a collectible?
28:55 - Is the FAMAS the best bullpup ever?
33:59 - What nation is underappreciated in small arms design history?
36:28 - Stocked pistols and modern arm brace pistols
41:04 - Do I approach museums and collectors or do they approach me?
42:46 - What is the Segway of modern guns?
44:40 - Are British DP (Drill Purpose) guns safe to shoot?
48:30 - What is the process to buy a machine gun in the US?
54:32 - Soviet TKB-59 triple barreled prototype
57:11 - Would modern high speed cameras have helped gun designers of the past?
58:48 - Why did primer-actuated systems never catch on?
1:01:44 - Progress on MAS-38 SMG and 7.65 French Long ammo
1:04:17 - What are the missing US designations, like rifles M2 through M13?
As always, questions came from Patrons at the $2/month level and above. Thanks to all of you for the support!
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