Don Nakaya Nielsen Vs. Masaaki Satake (30-6-90)
Uploader: Michael Mouseboxer
Original upload date: Mon, 04 Mar 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 03:49:20 GMT
Don Nakaya Nielsen (1959-2017) Vs. Masaaki Satake
AJKF Inspiring Wars - Heat 630
June 30, 1990 | Tokyo, Japan (Budokan)
Opening match of the night and Satake's kickboxing debut. Japanese rules. Niels
en was WKA US Cruiserweight Champion.
Nielsen's corner objected to the outcome and claimed he'd lost due to Satake's illegal headbutts. The AJKF upheld its initial decision, claiming Satake had already been penalized for his fouls before the end of the match.
Nielsen retired about three years later and opened an alternative medicine clinic in Bangkok, where he died of a heart attack in 2017. Satake went on to become a K-1 mainstay and an MMA competitor before retiring in 2002. In 2013, he ran unsuccessfully for a seat in Japan's House of Councilors.
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