It Does Get Better - The L Project (Official LGBT Charity Song)
Uploader: The L Project
Original upload date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 01:43:49 GMT
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Please donate and download our LGBT charity single available worldwide. All 100% of proceeds and royalties go to LGBT charities. S
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ee download links below:
iTunes UK - http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/it-does-get-better-ep/id496653583
Amazon UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/It-Does-Get-Better/dp/B006ZT3KY8/ref=sr_shvl_album_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1328919260&sr=301-1
iTunes USA - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/it-does-get-better-ep/id496653583
Amazon USA - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_18?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=it+does+get+better+the+l+project&sprefix=it+does+get+better%2Cdigital-music%2C255
To buy this single outside the UK please click below for more links. This song is available in 240 Countries via 14 premier sites.
The L Project single "It Does Get Better" aims to help raise awareness and money for charities which work to prevent LGBT bullying among young people.
The Charities:
Diversity Role Models - http://www.diversityrolemodels.org
Stonewall - http://www.stonewall.org.uk
"It Does Get Better" - Music and Lyrics written by Georgey Payne.
The song is set to be a positive message to anyone who experiences the struggles that can come with being different.
Every single artist, promoter, sponsor, supporter, everyone involved
with The L Project has given up their time and come together because they believe passionately in giving hope to young LGBT people that it does get better. Thank you to everyone involved, this would not happen without you.
Want to know who's singing what line then click here:
The Artists - Vocals on 'It Does Get Better'
Sofia Antonia Milone
Georgey Payne
Emma Kavanagh
Sandra MacBeth
Amber Taylor-Groves
Mel Sanson
Amy Sutton
Jess Gardham
Nicky Mitchell
O'Hooley & Tidow
Nina McCann
Ella Chambers
The Musicians:
Lorna Thomas - Bass Player
Belinda O' Hooley - Piano
Georgey Payne - Rhythm Guitar
Horse - Lead Guitar
Leanna Goring - Drums
The L Project Coordinators:
Georgey Payne: Singer-Songwriter / Media / All Enquires / Marketing
E: info@TheL-Project.com
Sofia Antonia Milone: Web Brand Design and Development /Marketing
The line 'Men in their Skirts' is a nod to all the years of Drag Queens that have graced our stages. For more information about why this line was written, please click below and scroll down to the bottom, thanks.
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