Islam Men Irtidad Ki Saza Ki Haqiqat [The Truth About The Alleged Punishment for Apostasy in Islam]
Uploader: The Tahir Archive
Original upload date: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 00:47:22 GMT
Concluding Address, Jalsa Salana 27 July 1986.
The text of this address can be read at
The English translation of this second address c
an be read at
From the earliest days till now Islam and the world of Islam have not been harmed so severely by any external enemy as by some simple-minded Muslim Clerics themselves. In fact, the enemies of Islam have utilised the unwise religious edicts of these naive Clergy as a basis to attack Islam.
The wrong trend among the Clergy took place when, under the influence of changing socio-political environment, they preferred to adopt some politically coloured Islamic interpretations and ignored the clear teachings of Quran and the noble precedence set by the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
The killing of an apostate is one such erroneous trend and base-less conviction. In fact, this menacing tenet is based neither on the Quran nor on the practice of the Prophet of Islam. This dangerous and untenable belief produced very grave consequences.
Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad analyses in depth all aspects of this heinous tenet. He shows it to be an utterly false and unfounded belief and smashes once and for all the so-called arguments of the Clerics in support of this claim. He proves it to be a false belief. His arguments are based on 'The Holy Quran', the Sunnah {Prophetic Practice] and Ahadith [Traditional Sayings] of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the historical events that took place in the era of the Righteous Caliphs (r.a.).
Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad deals with the subject extensively and it is earnestly hoped that the address will help unbiased researchers to fully understand the true teachings of Islam on the subject. It is also hoped that it will go a long way to creating a new spirit in which Islamic teachings are appreciated in their real essence and true nature and prejudice against Islam is eradicated.
© The Tahir Archive, 2013.
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