Original upload date: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 00:20:59 GMT
Harry Farjeon (1878-1948) - brother of the poet Eleanor Farjeon - studied at the Royal Academy of Music under Landon Ronald. Although he wrote a piano concerto and sonata, he is remembered (if at all)
for sets of short, light, piano pieces. However, he did write some more serious works, including a sonata. This piece seems to me the jewel in the crown in this set of generally rather static preludes published in 1925. It is longer than most of the other pieces, and the only one with a dedication (to Mrs. W Gray). It is a really fine work, and deserves to be far better known.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Played by Phillip Sear
http://www.psear.co.uk (Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: http://wa.me/441444483794 )