3D Reconstruction of Inca Pukara near Rancagua, Chile
Original upload date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 00:26:47 GMT
Pukaras were hillside fortified defensive complexes. In the Libertador O'Higgins Region of Chile, where the site is located, the Incas settled, farmed and even built a wicker bridge in Rancagua which
crossed the Cachapoal River and established a fortified frontier, marking the southern boundaries of the Inca Empire with the very Pukara you have seen in this video, which itself is of particular historical significance for its part in the founding of modern Chile.
In 2011, O'Higgins Tours was awarded funding from Chilean government agency SERCOTEC to commission a 3D animation of local Inca ruins, including this Pukara. The video of above is a sample of that 3D reconstruction, which was created by local graphic designer Eduardo Galdames and is based on available information from extensive archaeological research and various field trips.
Produced and researched by: O'Higgins Tours www.ohigginstours.com
Created by: Eduardo Galdames www.digraf.cl
Subsidised by: Government of Chile (SERCOTEC)
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