Ewha students singing "INTO THE NEW WORLD(SNSD)"right before brutal crackdown of the police
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Archive date: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 01:37:07 GMT
이화여대 폭력진압 전 다시만난세계 부르는 학생들
It has been three days since Ewha students started to protest against the university's recent decision to create a new college called 'Future LiFE(Light up in Future Ewha)'
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.(Yes. That really is how they capitalized it on formal paperwork.) Students and Alumni are strongly against this decision for the following reasons:
1. The dean and the school have acted unilaterally and without the consent prior notice to the students. It is not the first time this has happened. Less than a year ago, the school built the Pavilion and implemented the Prime program (which is targeted to facilitate industries pertinent to the college of engineering by major reconstruction of the colleges. This caused general confusion and instability within the students and/or system) both in total disregard of the students' very apparent and heavy disapproval. As students, we feel the mockery and ignorance the school has shown regarding our opinions is frankly ridiculous.
2. The school explains that it opens up new opportunities for education. However, the target for the admission is a student who has graduated from meister/vocational schools and has a working experience of 1~2 years. What would be the point in giving them a degree instead of advanced skills training? The Ministry of Education says they want to get rid of the elitism and yet they promote policies that re-produce the the exact hiearchy.
3. The dean supports the program by bringing up other colleges as exemplatory role models. Indeed, there are precedents at neighboring colleges: Korea University and Hanyang university. However, the education curriculum proposed by Ewha is only 2.5 years long unlike the 4 year programs provided at the mentioned universities. Furthermore, it is undistinguishable from an education provided from a vocational college, which is another educational institution. With less than a month left before its implementation, the school is still undecided on what the specific admission criteria would be. This is plain evidence of how hastily the program was approved.
4. Decisions such as these are normally warranted to go through a 3 year consideration period. Why has the school loopholed this program and why are they in such a hurry to make it happen?
About the Program:
This program is a 2 year curriculum which focuses on majors such as 'beauty' and 'wellness', which existing studies and similar majors already cover. These majors are also inconsistent with the school's spirit of foundation as a Womans University. Instead, they conform to the standards of what is culturally and traditionally considered to be the work of women. The fixed criteria on the exams for the entrance are also yet to be proposed. The school only contends that the applicants will be selected through recommendation letters and interviews. Obviously, this is lacking in terms of objective standards being set. This program, which gives students a normal bachelors' degree of 4 years studies, was approved in the swiftest way possible, without the students (and a significant number of professors) even being aware of the process and the existence of the program. The Ministry of Education has promised the President of the College a subsidy of 3 million dollars, so it appears that some political issues can also be a part of the equation.
The program has just recently been launched and announced to the public, without any consensus being made with the Ewha students beforehand. The Ewha alumni and students are protesting against this program; It has been and is a non-violent, peaceful demonstration at the Main Building (The one that sits atop the ECC building). That is, until 1,600 policemen forced their way in to pull out the students aggressively on the grounds that the students were violently rioting without being rational. Some students have been injured in the process, and the protest became increasingly difficult due to the hot weather and fatigue. To make things worse, the school has shut down the air conditioning in the Main building over the weekend. Students are determined to prevent the program. We write this to inform the exchange students of EWHA and ask you to participate in doing what is just for the school.
We deserve JUSTICE and a DECENT education. Please stand up for what is right.
※※※※update: the school is being very unreasonably childish and is resorting to threats. They threaten to retract the scholarships of exchange students that participate in the peaceful sit-in demonstration. If ever you are threatened to be withdrawn from your scholarship, please try to record the conversation inconspicuously and report it to a fellow student.
※※※※Keeping a mask on (these are given out by the students) is also a wise precaution.