"Alex" episode 2: The Lazy Greek
Uploader: omikronproject
Original upload date: Tue, 07 May 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 01:39:07 GMT
The world says Alex is lazy... but is he really?
About Omikron Project:
We're a group of girls and guys trying to show the world the untold side of Greece's current crisis, and crush the negativ
e stereotypes of our country.
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Email: info@omikronproject.gr
Web: http://omikronproject.gr
(Subtitles of this video available in Greek, French, German, Polish, Spanish, Dutch and Russian!)
Special thanks to the volunteers who translated the subtitles for us: Avgi Tilkeridou (Greek), Miguel Godinho (Portuguese), Dionisios Sturis (Polish), Reinder Rustema (Dutch), Kseniya Morozova (Russian) and our other collaborators for German, French and Spanish!
Sources for statistics mentioned in the video:
"Europa works hard... but Alex actually works two hours a week more":
"Europa gets two days more annual holiday than Alex does"
"And she will retire three years before Alex will":
http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Sustainable_development_-_Demographic_changes#Retirement_age / http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/09/20/uk-greece-austerity-troika-idUKBRE88J0Z720120920
"Alex gets paid a third less than Europa"
"Yet things cost the same for both of them"
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