Original upload date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 20:23:52 GMT
Kamikaze Sperm
Even though eight days have passed since the Half-Marathon Richard still aches like it was all just yesterday. But he will soon forget his woes when he chats to the great-grandaughter
of music writer Rosa Newmarch (and you never know who here great-grandfather might have been) Sara Pascoe.
In what is one of Rich's favourite ever RHLSTPs the chat encompasses whether a vegan can eat a ham hand, how a six foot tall penis man would cope with his terrible life, what it's like to be part of a younger generation of comedians who are about to storm the comedy citadel and claim their rightful crown and why there should be more women on "Would I Lie To You?".
Sara and Richard chat about how they fell in love (with other people) as their significant others possibly get together in the darkness of the auditorium.
The videos of these shows are now available for FREE on iTunes and YouTube and vimeo. If you'd like to make a donation to keep these services and this show running then give a one-off or monthly sum of your choice at gofasterstripe.com/badges. Or come and see Richard on tour richardherring.com/lotds/tour