Original upload date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 00:41:39 GMT
#AskAna makes its debut in this never-before-seen TwitterStorm! Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/anakasparian) responds to viewer questions from Twitter-- both personal and serious. You can join
in by using #askana and #tytlive on Twitter! As always, use #askcenk and keep the questions coming.
This week: What would Ana do if she was boss? What are her hobbies? What her Master's in Political Science worth it? Do Ana and Cenk hang out? How would life be different if she'd never worked at TYT? Does Feminism go overboard? Who else would Ana like to co-host with besides Cenk? Free restaurants?
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