GhostKeeper (1981) Alternate/Missing Intro
Uploader: Chris Warren
Original upload date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 01:44:44 GMT
There appears to be two versions of this movie where there is an alternate opening sequence. The New World Video version starts right out with a blurb about the history of the Wendigo. The other one (
studio unknown) has a short sequence of a young man running through the woods, obviously being chased. He is then confronted while backed up to a tree by someone, or something, holding a sharpened wooden stake. All you see is the stake and it gets punctured through his stomach. It exits out his back and then the camera focuses on the victim's face with a drip of blood exiting his mouth. Then it cuts to the Wendigo blurb mentioned above. My guess is this scene was excluded from the New World release because someone didn't think it made much sense, or tie in well with the rest of the movie. You know it's from the original cut of the film as you can see a shot of the Deer Lodge in the background.
Bill from CodeRed reached out to Jim Makichuk, Director, to see what the deal was as his curiosity peaked like mine. Apparently it was NOT part of the original cut. Two years after the film was shot the distributors shot an extra scene to promote overseas sales. Jim did not approve the scene (didn't like it at all), but it still got distributed anyway which he most likely was not happy about. He does not have that scene on any of his masters. What we are getting from CodeRed is how he intended all of us to see the film all along. It's too bad this scene couldn't make it on the CodeRed DVD release as an extra or something, but there was no real knowledge about it . Here it is for your viewing pleasure...
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