911 NBN News Late Edition Part 1
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Original upload date: Fri, 09 Sep 2011 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:03:40 GMT
Remembering 9/11.
This is how NBN's "Late Edition" News opened at around 11:20PM on Tuesday night the 11th of September 2001.
It was less than half an hour after the attacks had begun on the Wor
ld Trade Centre in New York City.
NBN was one of the first television stations in Australia to broadcast live video from New York City as the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon unfolded.
Liasing with NBN News director Jim Sullivan, NBN Late Edition News producer, Matt Carden secured a live feed through the Nine Network of ABC America enabling first pictures to be aired of the New York attacks within minutes.
When NBN Late Edition News opened a short time later, newsreader Jodi McKay handed over to ABC News America's coverage of events, anchored by Peter Jennings.
The NBN Studio Director was Lisa Tobin. Ryan Jenkins was NBN News Tape Editor.
The bulletin was extended until 1am when NBN handed over to TCN-9 for the start of almost five days of continuous national coverage.
NBN was at the time a 9 affiliate in northern New South Wales and is now wholly owned by the 9 Network.
This excerpt was lifted from the original VHS logging tape of the Studio Output that night from NBN Television in Newcastle. I kept the tape and converted it to DVD in 2004.
It includes President George W Bush's impromptu News Conference at Booker Elementary School in Florida together with FIRST pictures from Washington as smoke billowed from the Pentagon attack.
All copyright to ABC America and NBN Television Australia.
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