Original upload date: Wed, 15 May 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 07:07:39 GMT
#Elizabeth_Klarer #South_Africa #UFO_contactee #George_Adamski #Kitty_Smith
Kitty Smith was a good friend of South African contactee, Elizabeth Klarer prior to Elizabeth’s death. Although Elizabeth’
s fascinating story of meeting, falling in love and having a child to a man from outer space during the 1950's has almost disappeared into the annals of UFO history, Kitty can corroborate a large part of her story and the events surrounding Elizabeth’s ET contact.
Inspired by Elizabeth’s story, Kitty formed the Pietermaritzburg UFO group and invited Elizabeth to be their first speaker, to which she agreed, drawing 300+ people to the meeting. When Elizabeth went public with her claims in 1978, she was met with derision by the UFO community which she endured until her dying day. Without testimony from people like Kitty, important stories like Elizabeth’s could be cast aside, but revisiting Elizabeth’s story with a 21st century perspective and corroborating witness, we may find that she was telling the truth after all.
Interview by Presedent of UFO Research Queensland Australia Ms. Sheryl Gottschall.
Video production Barry Taylor for UFORQ
Thank you Kitty Smith for your experiences with Elizabeth Klarer in South Africa.