Dark Cloud Beta Demo Gameplay at Tokyo Game Show 1999
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Original upload date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 18:09:08 GMT
Dark Cloud was originally going to be a much different game. According to this beta footage at Tokyo Game Show 1999, the Georama was meant to be the main part of the game with more customization. Th
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at was before it had to be adjusted to fit alongside the story they developed.
This trailer was shown at Tokyo Game Show (TGS) in Autumn of 1999 and is one of the only pieces of beta footage that still exists. You may have seen this trailer that was uploaded by Unseen64, this one is in a higher resolution.
It's unfortunate the demo of this game isn't publically available. Me and many other fans would love to see everything in it. I'm a big fan of the georama, so this is one of my top sought after 'lost media' games. Hopefully someone will find a copy of it someday, though the chances are low.
They had to scrap this demo for several reasons. Level-5 had to develop the georama around a story, and they couldn't do it this way. Their first idea is that they wanted a highly customizable world building game, and this demo did an excellent job of showing that.
"September 21, 1999 - Knowing the importance of the RPG contingent in the game world because of its PlayStation experience, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc has planned at least one RPG for its March 4, 2000 debut of PlayStation 2, a game by the name of Dark Cloud.
What makes Dark Cloud so intriguing isn't the graphics, which look as good as those seen on a Dreamcast or high-end PC. The hook here is the game's Georama system, which enables players to create their own town using several onscreen tools.
The central character's 'plot in life' if you will is to build up his island, creating a village, complete with houses, hills, churches, temples, volcanoes, streams, and even a choice of weather. Players can build paths, bridges, windmills, and other necessary structures as well, and if they're unhappy with them, a hammer-like tool can be used to destroy them and rebuild..."
TGS 1999: Dark Cloud - First Impressions:
IGN Article on it's TGS 99 Appearance:
These parts during the Georama section are only briefly seen. See the timestamps for the translations below:
"Plateau B"
The plateau is medium size.
(Occupies 5 x 5 blocks)
“Plateau A”
It is a big plateau.
(Occupies 10 x 10 blocks)
Top Left of the Screen: Plateau
“Brick House Lvl 2”
A level 2 house made out of brick will be placed.
(Occupies 3 x 2 blocks)
“Fancy House”
A fancy house will be placed.
(Occupies 2 x 2 blocks)
#Gaming #DarkCloud #PS2