Dark Cloud PlayStation Festival 2000 Movies
Uploader: Shaztopia
Original upload date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 18:09:22 GMT
These are the few remaining videos of footage from PlayStation Festival 2000. They show some beta features that never made it into the final release.
Turn on CC for commentary and translations.
tro: (0:00)
This is the start of the movie, and begins with a short story and some interesting views.
Translation Credit: Kai, Hiddencastle, and The Dark Cloud Compendium
Battle Demo: (0:43)
Something that never made it into the final release, aparently you could duel monsters outside of the usual duels. Also note the active items at the top. Perhaps when the sword icon was selected is how you could initiate the duel.
Ending: (0:58)
Here, we see some more features that never made it into the final version. Even a playable Seda! Also, you could play as other characters outside of dungeons. They were walking around Norune as Ungaga, this feature was probably removed because they may have had to add more dialogue to other characters for this to make sense.
#DarkCloud #PS2 #Playstation2 #RPG #JRPG #Sony
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