SLP Sanjay Kumar: Media | Puberphonia | Stammering | Voice Disorders #SLPSanjaykumarvoicetherapist
Uploader: SLP Sanjay Kumar - Voice Therapist
Original upload date: Mon, 02 May 2011 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 07:25:51 GMT
Must Watch: https://youtu.be/m5K5byc6oDM , this 4.3 Mints Video till the end and know how a Speech Pathologist changes the life.
For Latest updates/knowledge: https://www.youtube.com/user/sanjay1774
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Watch Pre Therapy Live : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7-Dw7M8Lcw Watch Post Therapy Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lascKH0L8c
Do you know? We are treating Puberphonia, female voice in males within 8 days in most cases from the year 2010. In exceptional situation we have treated in 1 day also, watch: https://youtu.be/FtsWU0C1HHA Must Explore the truth from oldest videos : https://www.youtube.com/user/sanjay1774/videos?view=0&sort=da&flow=grid | From Newest Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/sanjay1774/videos
Do You know ? Online Speech Therapy (Telerehabilitation ) at our Center from Bangalore was started in the year 2013 (Ref, Pre : https://youtu.be/hJtY6zSYtUc Post : https://youtu.be/W_jXDyekwNM ) . By this technique we treated many patient.
Do you know? Health care quacks / fake speech therapists are giving incomplete information and trying to confuse innocent people having stammering, puberphonia etc on social media these days? Therefore, Whenever you see any video of Puberphonia patient on youtube must try to find 1.Both pre and post treatment video of patient along with therapist/Doctor, not only patient 2. Change at conversation stage (not single word like 1,2 or amma appa or a,b,c). 3.Therapist qualification details (University, college , degree in speech Pathology/ relevant area , Year of Passing the qualifying Examination ) before starting speech/voice treatment. 4. If impressed by someone's youtube channel video must explore every section of channel like:
A. Home | Videos | Playlists | Community | Channels | About.
B. Explore both The Oldest And Most Recent Videos (Click The Video section Of Youtube - date added (oldest ) explore videos , than click - date added (newest) ).
Must Try to find in "About" section of youtube channel (in case impressed by you tube videos) the college , University, degree in Speech Pathology/Speech Hearing Sciences of your voice therapist/speech therapist. Many patient after doing wrong vocal exercise (self treatment and after taking treatment from healthcare quacks) are developing phonatory gap, vocal nodule, muscle tension dysphonia and depression also after spoiling their voice and contacting our center for help .There are examples we were not able to help many such patient having the history of vocal abuse (wrong vocal exercise, shouting etc). Conclusion take help from certified professional having valid degree and trained in communication disorders management, not from any healthcare quacks. Your vocal cord and voice are priceless.
Web: http://www.speechtherapyindia.in/
Must Watch our pre & Post therapy videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/sanjay1774/featured
Reach Us: http://www.speechtherapyindia.in/reachme.html
Kinds Work We do: http://www.speechtherapyindia.in/videos.html
Our Face book page: https://www.facebook.com/SanjaySpeechHearingAndRehabilitationCenter/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sanjayslp
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slpsanjaykumarvoicetherapist/
Our International Patient , Before And After Treatment: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUmns4aW9KmzlwPpa0n2OX4sXdPeajzXS
Award, Global Recognition: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUmns4aW9KmygBJIcQEr9MJEt0qA9opIJ
SLP Sanjay Kumar is an International Speech Language Pathologist, Audiologist and Speech Therapist. An alumnus of AIIMS New Delhi . He did his B.Sc.(Hons) Speech and Hearing from AIIMS New Delhi and Master Of Science In Speech Language Pathology from University Of Mysore.
He has a special interest in Voice Disorders, Stammering, Invisible Digital Hearing aids, Articulation Disorders of Speech. Some of his work before and after treatment/therapy can be seen after writing " SLP Sanjay Kumar Video " while searching online. Must try to watch these videos before consulting him specially if you have voice disorders. These videos have given big hope across the globe for the people having various voice disorders.
He is the founder of “ Sanjay Speech Hearing and Rehabilitation Center ” where people from different part of the world are also coming for their communication disorders treatment. Also working as chief speech language pathologist and audiologist at this Center. He strongly believes in evidence-based practices.
At our Sanjay speech Hearing Rehabilitation Center, Bangalore, India we have seen very impressive result during working with people having communication disorders like Puberphonia (feminine voice in males), Vocal Cord paralysis, Stammering, Functional Aphonia (sudden complete loss of voice), Functional dysphonia, Soft voice, Pitch problem.