Original upload date: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 15:51:13 GMT
Millions of small business owners are using Google to help their small business adapt. Google My Business helps them communicate with customers, change their business hours, switch from dine-in to del
ivery, move their business online, sell gift cards, accept donations and continue to grow and change during this time.
Find free tools and resources for small businesses at https://g.co/smallbusiness
Special thanks to Anna’s Toy Depot, Harriet’s Bookshop, Sunrise Coffee House, Lunch Box 101, Mack Dawg’s: Hot Dogs, Crest Hardware & Urban Garden Center, and Nuestra Mesa Camas.
C R E D I T S:
Google Brand Studio
Finish: Chapeau Studios
Mix: Formosa Group
Music: "Open Up That Door (And Walk Right In My Heart)” performed by Nappy Brown, written by Fred Mendelsohn
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