Св. Йоан Кукузел (St. John Koukouzelis) - Хвалите Господа с'небес
Uploader: Victor Alexiev
Original upload date: Sat, 01 Oct 2011 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 07:46:46 GMT
Praise the Lord from the Heavens in the 5th mode
Хвалите Господа с'небес, глас 5
Composer: St. John Koukouzelis (Koukouzeles) (1280 - 1360)
Композитор: Св. Йоан Кукузел (1280 - 1360)
Performed by So
fia Priest Choir, conductor - Kiril Popov
Изпълнява: Хор на софийските свещеници, диригент - Кирил Попов
The neumes can be found here (the site is in Greek):
(Section Recordings, Κοινωνικόν "Αινείτε τον Κύριον" (Ι. Κουκουζέλη))
Most of the pictures are taken from different websites - I own neither them nor the recording.
The places shown are: the towns of Berat and Durrës (Albania), the monastery of Ardenica near Berat, Ohrid (FYROM, Macedonia), Istanbul (Turkey) and the church of the Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia), the Great Lavra Monastery (Mount Athos).
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