Original upload date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 01 Dec 2021 19:00:10 GMT
Part 1: Introduction, J.I. Rodale and the Depression years.
Title: Oral history Interview by Jane Gates with Robert Rodale with an introduction by Jayne MacLean.
Disclaimer: The National Agricultura
l Library does not verify the accuracy of the accounts described herein by participants in an Oral History Project. These oral histories are expressions of the views, memories and opinions of the interviewee. They do not represent the policy, views or official history of the United States Department of Agriculture or the National Agricultural Library.
Rodale, Robert
MacLean, Jayne T.
Gates, Jane Potter
National Agricultural Library (U.S.)
Published: Beltsville, Md. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library; Washington, D.C., 1989.
Series: Alternative Farming Systems Information Center Oral History Interview Series.
Note(s): Interview was conducted on November 21, 1989 at Rodale Press, Inc. headquarters, Emmanus, Pa. Cameraman and editor, Ron Hamilton.
AGRICOLA Record: http://agricola.nal.usda.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&CNT=1&CMD=CAT10397636
Description: Robert Rodale is the son of J.I. Rodale, both pioneering promoters of organic farming and gardening in the United States. Robert Rodale carried on his father's work through publications, lectures, agricultural research and inspirational leadership. He built the family publishing company into a major entity and established the Rodale Institute - a leading organization in sustainable agricultural research.