Arve Henriksen/Terje Isungset-World of Glass- Tallinn 2011
Uploader: norsklydfilm
Original upload date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 06:53:39 GMT
"World of Glass" introduced the audience to more than 30 fantasy instruments made of glass, and Arve Henriksen and Terje Isungset will gave unique concerts with these instruments. Fairy-tale rhythm pa
tterns and meditative melodies was be created on two nights by the most interesting representatives of Norwegian improvisational music: trumpeter Arve Henriksen and percussion virtuoso Terje Isungset.
Glass artists:
Andra Jõgis, Caspar Sild,
Eeva Käsper, Eve Koha,
Kaja Vaikre, Kristiina Uslar,
Külli Nidermann, Maarja Treufeldt,
Mare Saare, Mikk Jäger, Tiina Sarapu
Stage design and furniture:
Eeva Käsper, Tiina Sarapu
Video: Erki Kannus, Merle Kannus
Lights: Oliver Kulpsoo
Sound production: Asle Karstad
Producer: Madli-Liis Parts
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