Starring Alan Moore, Stewart Lee, Josie Long, Steve Aylett, Robin Ince, Jeff Vandermeer, D Harlan Wilson, Andrew O'Neill, Vessel (Mister Solo/David Devant), Bill Ectric, Mitzi Szereto, Spencer Pate, M
o Ali and others, LINT THE MOVIE documents the life and work of cult SF author and philosopher Jeff Lint, creator of some of the strangest and most inconvenient works of the 20th century.
Featuring clips from Lint's books, cartoons, music, comics and films, the movie follows the writer's life from the days of vintage pulp, psychedelia, dangerous theater, and his disastrous scripts for Star Trek and Patton. Commentary by those who knew and read him create a compelling portrait of the creator of Clowns and Insects, Jelly Result, The Stupid Conversation, the Caterer comic, and Catty and the Major, the scariest kids' cartoon ever aired. Based on Steve Aylett's books 'LINT' and 'And Your Point Is?'
the Bill Ectric edit. Special thanks to Troy Lukkarila and LukaLips Destruction Company for technical assistance.