Original upload date: Sun, 01 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 22:39:41 GMT
It's curious that the follow up to the two million selling "So Many Men So Little Time" was actually a much bigger hit in the UK than its predecessor. This video was shot after Miquel had been in hosp
ital, so, unable to dance around as much as normal, some outrageous dancers were brought in. This resulted in the TV switchboards being jammed with complaints and Miquel herself went on a type of Points Of View program, to justify the dancers, which were in reality fairly innocent, but at the time were considered too provocative, too sexual, and in extremely bad taste. So a wave of controversy surrounded this little single. For those interested in minutiae, I desperately wanted to get the name of the Saint Nightclub in New York into the title of a record, hence "He's A Saint, He's A Sinner".