Top 5 - Transsexual characters in games Uploader: Zoomin Games
Original upload date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 01 Dec 2021 19:31:08 GMT
Over the past decade transsexual people have become more visible in movies and television. But what about our favourite medium, videogames? These are the five most well known transsexual characters in
Poison - Final fight / Street fighter x Tekken
Poison stars in the Final Fight and Street Fighter video game series. She is officially described as a 'post-op transsexual' but not in Japan. According to the Japanese designers of Street Fighter she simply tucks her business away to look female.
Bridget - Guilty Gear XX
Bridget shows strong determination when it comes to proving himself as a man in Guilty Gear XX. This confident transsexual prefers to correct others when they mistake him for a girl. Unfortunately they don't see him as a serious threat and simply regard to him as an annoyance.
Naota Shirogane - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
In Persona 4 the gender of the young detective Naoto remains a mystery at first. You eventually find out this female dresses as a boy to gain the trust from the police. If you go down the romantic route with her, Naoto asks if you prefer her with a low or high voice.
Kainé - Nier
Kaine is a female-bodied character with a penis. According to the mythology of Nier, she became a hermaphrodite after being possessed by a demon. Kaine's attitude is manly but she emphasizes her female qualities through a racy fashion style.
Birdo - Super Mario Bros. 2
Birdo is considered to be the first transsexual in gaming. In her first appearance in Super Mario Bros. 2, Birdo was described in the manual as such... "He thinks he is a girl and he spits eggs from his mouth. He'd rather be called Birdetta." After confused reactions by gamers Nintendo decided to scrap this line in later manuals. Even if she is considered a full fledged female by Nintendo ... we all know her little secret.
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