Why "Bernie Bro" Myth Is Bogus
Uploader: The Young Turks
Original upload date: Fri, 04 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 23:08:46 GMT
The Hillary Clinton campaign wants people to believe that Bernie Sanders supporters are primarily young white males. This implies that they are actually sexist meathead “Bernie Bros.” Cenk Uygur, Ana
Kasparian, and Jimmy Dore hosts of The Young Turks discuss.
Do you think the "Bernie Bros" are real? Let us know in the comments below.
Read more here: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/users/2016/02/bernie_bros_are_bad_the_conversation_around_them_is_worse.2.html
"The problem here, as one Sanders supporter put it, is that “there’s just more of us on the internet in general so it probably just seems like we’re disproportionately trollish.” The Sanders campaign is justifiably proud of its clear social media dominance, and it makes sense that a larger movement would produce a bigger pool of jerks. This is not Sanders’ fault, but the Vermont senator’s own thoughtful and pleasant conversational stylings don’t make the experience of discussing the campaign with his supporters any less annoying.
In the past week, the Sanders camp has smartly acknowledged the existence of overly aggressive Bernie fans and distanced the campaign from their tactics. “We have many hundreds of thousands of supporters, and some of them have gone over the edge. I apologize for that,” Sanders told Ebony’s Jamilah Lemieux. “If you support @berniesanders, please follow the senator's lead and be respectful when people disagree with you,” Sanders rapid-response director Mike Cascatweeted. “Above all: just know you represent our movement and be respectful with those who disagree with you,” Sanders digital media director Héctor Sigala wrote on Reddit."
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