BEAT THE CLOCK with Bud Collyer (Aug 23, 1952)
Uploader: To Tell the Truth (CBS)
Original upload date: Sat, 08 Aug 2015 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 05:39:42 GMT
Years before TO TELL THE TRUTH debuted, Bud Collyer had already made quite a mark in game show history as host of BEAT THE CLOCK. The two shows couldn't have been more different, which just makes Bud
's equal skill at hosting both formats all the more impressive.
A show like BEAT THE CLOCK can't work without just the right host (just check out the episodes where Bud was off duty-- good grief.) Bud had a remarkable knack for putting very nervous contestants at ease, for explaining the stunts clearly and efficiently, and for coaching the contestants towards success with just the right hints at just the right times.
Since this was so much Bud's show (he was even a producer), I thought I'd post on the weekends what little I have of the series, as an interesting counterpoint to the TO TELL THE TRUTH episodes during the week.
I still find some of the show a bit too silly (the whipped cream-type stunts, e.g.), but overall I've enjoyed watching the 50-or-so episodes I've recently acquired a lot more than I remember liking the series when it was first rerun on GSN years ago. I hope you enjoy these as much as I have!
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To stay up to date with postings, please consider supporting the TTTT channel by subscribing. The TTTT channel will feature all available episodes of the nighttime CBS series that ran from 1956 to 1968, with a new show posted every weekday in original broadcast order. Episodes of Bud Collyer's earlier classic game show, Beat the Clock, will be posted on the weekends. Please click here to subscribe:
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