[MW] 1107 kHz - Voice of Sharia, Kabul - excellent reception in Poland, Oct 4 2021
Uploader: RemoteRadioDXman
Original upload date: Mon, 04 Oct 2021 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 22:17:08 GMT
For your listening pleasure (?), a bit lengthy video of my reception of Voice of Sharia, from the new Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, here in NE Poland, at 18:39 to 18:57 UTC Monday Oct 4th, 2021.
For an
antenna, I used a 12m x 3m Conti SuperLoop, which is a kind of a terminated loop antenna. The Pol-e-Charki transmitter fell almost dead-on the antenna's bearing at the time, packing a whole lot of signal into it. Indeed, at times I would even say it sounds like a local - well, OK, a semilocal 🙂 - yet it's 4000km away! Anyway, 53dB SNR in peak is not too shabby, isn't it? 😉
The broadcast I heard consisted of Nasheeds, or Islamic hymns, interspersed with presumably religious talks alternating between Pashto and Dari. All full-blown religious stuff, similar to North Korea, except NK's "god" is Kim Jong Un 🙃
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