Uploader: noignition
Original upload date: Sat, 06 Nov 2010 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 01 Dec 2021 10:01:39 GMT
gainesville MOVI3
QUOTE FARM http://spong.com/forum/thread?message=58739&thread=11803&forum=9
"Hey Some guy, you were the lucky one friend. Many weren't so lucky they got verbally abused and som
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e physically by Steed who in a drunk rage punched a programmer for no reason who was working late one evening. He also got into a fight with another employee but that time he got punched in the eye and had to be hospitalized I think he got knocked out cold by a guy bigger then him named Chris who was the office manager. Steed has a reputation of getting drunk at bars and fighting small weak programmers. His other love is crapping in his pants from being so intoxicated from what I hear.
can you imagine:
Whats that smell? oh it's our boss, don't mind it, once the flies go away it passes."
QUOTE FAM http://www.develop-online.net/news/36243/Ignition-closes-US-studio
"Yhea Paul howard Steed, was fired from ignition, the guys a hack, just read his linked in profile
" Paul steed's Specialties:
creative direction, artistic vision and experienced development leadership"
ha ha you mean- creative sabotage, artistic failure, experienced destroyer and expert in tyranny.
His company Exigent stole concepts art from the likes of Dylan Cole and Craig Mullins and tried to pass them as their own at Ignition, that is low no wonder just about all the concept artist at Ignition left. You sir are no artist your company is generic. Vijay Chadha good choice my man! wow."
QUOTE FAM http://www.develop-online.net/news/36243/Ignition-closes-US-studio
I know that these stories of Paul's Douchebaggery may seem like exaggerations and outright lies straight from the lips of disgruntled employees. but i can assure you they are not.
If there was 1 thing, 1 thing at all that Paul Steed could do, is tell you exactly what you wanted to hear. That was his talent. The guy was a manipulator through and through. Hell, he seemed like a nice enough guy when i first met him, but that impression did not last long.
-He once fired a guy for taking a vacation he was approved for. For his sister's wedding no less.
-He once fired a guy for coming in a little late on a weekend despite the guy commutes on a bicycle and was one of our better artists.
-He most certainly did have numerous pending sexual harassment claims against him.
-He would talk shit about his employees
-Most definitely got intoxicated on the premises
-Definitely got in fights, there's been a few employees that have or have almost taken knuckle sandwiches from him both in and out of the office.
-Definitely would forget the changes that he'd have requested the day before and then go off about how you aren't taking the work seriously.
-He'd often circumvent everyone and try to include his own laughably amateurish attempts at 3d modeling into the game.
-and then all the incredibly stupid artistic, and managerial decisions
Hell, When he was in charge, morale had hit rock bottom, people left in droves, I knew many people that quit just because of paul and no other reason. I knew people that arranged their resignation with HR to specifically not let paul know that they were leaving, because they were afraid of how he'd react.
The guy was a bully, a narcissistic, muscle-headed, extra from Jersey shore looking bully."