Original upload date: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 22:31:35 GMT
Many times people even in the comments here have told me how Moschitta is better or faster than me. Well did you know I took him and Fran Capo on head to head and beat the pair of them?
Watch here htt
Interview with Steve Woodmore, record holder for World's Fastest talker.
Steve's World record is 637 words per minute.
There are some pretenders to this "crown" out there, one of them can speak the "to be or not to be" soliloquy from Hamlet in 24 seconds, however that's all he can do nothing else.
Steve can read from any piece of text in the English language and speak it without any sort of rehearsal at lightning speeds, not only that, when he has broken this world ( 5 times now) he speaks for a minute and not just 24 seconds.
Another is the lady that did in fact break this world record but Steve got it back and then further improved it.
All this was nearly 30 years ago now, I read the comments but really don't respond to them.
But I will update you on some things, I am not an entertainer and yes for a little while I flirted with the idea but TBH it's really not me, I had done something not many other people have done and broken not one but two world records (which are still unbroken) and that was it, my 15 mins of fame, I was happy with that and went back to having a normal everyday life, let the pro's play at this.
However just recently my life has taken a drastic change and I now have cancer and am in chemotherapy and have decided to revisit this earlier time and just update some stuff.
I am going to use the foundation of this page as a basis for an ongoing type of video diary for my current struggle, I have uploaded a lot more video to this channel reflecting back on this period, looking forward and diarising my treatment, please if you can spare a couple of minutes have a look through them.
I was diagnosed with cancer back in 2012 and in 2013 I underwent radiotherapy to my neck to kill a tumour, sadly it also destroyed all the saliva glands on that side of my neck as well.
This has left me with a permanently dry mouth with I constantly have to take medication for and can no longer even talk fast.