Shaykh Yaqoubi Advocates Imam Ahmed Raza as a Mujaddid from Indian Subcontinent !!!!
Uploader: TheEmpireofFaith
Original upload date: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:41:11 GMT
Assalamu alaikum,
Shaykh Muhammad Al Y'aqoubi is a world renowned scholar, a Muslim, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad(Sallalahu Alaih Wa Sallam). He is one of the most influential scholars in t
he West , a charismatic speaker in both Arabic and English. He resides in Syria and works worldwide.
He is an instructor in the Grand Omayyad Mosque and Shaykh Muyiddin Ibn
'Arabi's mosque, where he teaches the various disciplines of the
shari'a, as he has been doing for 35 years.
In his recent interview with Takbeer TV Shaykh Y'aqoubi advocated Imam Ahmed Raza Khan(Rehmatullahi Alaih) as a Mujaddid from Indian Subcontinent and praised his works.
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Entire Interview can be seen at :
Shaykh Yacoubi's MUST WATCH TAKBEER TV interview is available online at:
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