North Korean Defector No Kum Sok (Kenneth Rowe) & Author Blaine Harden
Uploader: Mimi Geerges
Original upload date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 22:54:51 GMT
Blaine Harden is the bestselling author of, The Great Leader and the Fighter Pilot. He tells the story of how Kim Il Sung grabbed power in North Korea and plunged the country into war with the United
States, while the youngest fighter pilot in his air force was playing a high-risk game of deception, and escape. No Kum Sok (American name: Kenneth Rowe) flew his MiG-14 fighter jet to South Korea, delivering it to the Americans in 1953.
"In North Korea, the Kim family has used the fact-based narrative of that bombing to legitimize their rule for the long term. What they say is, 'sure it's dark, it's poor, it's isolated in North Korea, but we're protecting you from those Americans. And you remember, that those Americans where the ones who killed your grandma'."
-Blaine Harden
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