ALL (Chad & Scott) & DESCENDENTS Karaoke. Filmage After Party
Uploader: Felony Films
Original upload date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 19:36:41 GMT
Show: Filmage After Party with ALL & DESCENDENTS Karaoke
Filmed Sat. 9/29/14 at Los Globos Hollywood, CA
01:36 Fair-weather Friend
03:25 Original Me
06:16 Breaking Up
09:08 World
Show more...
s On Heroin
11:20 Miranda
14:00 Paper Tiger
16:42 Stalker
20:54 Refrain
23:36 Life On The Road
24:21 ‘Cause
26:54 Million Bucks
29:07 Until I Say So
32:09 Carry You
35:36 Crazy
37:30 DOT
39:34 Can't Say
41:51 Mary
45:21 Carnage
48:03 Cyclops
50:12 Copping Z
54:03 Fool
56:00 Educated Idiot
59:01 Wonder
1:00:47 Scary Sad
1:03:40 Frog
1:06:13 She’s My Ex
1:11:02 Descendents (London May, Samhain)
1:13:20 I Don’t Want To Grow Up (Phi Lo, The Last)
1:15:36 Cheer (Filmage, James, Justin & Deedle)
1:19:44 My Dad Sucks (Scott Reynolds, ALL)
1:20:24 I Like Food (Scott Reynolds, ALL)
1:21:04 I’m The One (Jen Razavi, Bombpops)
1:24:07 Thank You (Chad Price, ALL, Drag The River, A Vultures Wake)
1:27:31 Get The Time (Marko DeSantis, Sugarcult, Bad astronaut with Ken Stringfellow (posies)
1:31:26 Hope (Dennis Lyxzén, Refused)
1:33:22 Silly Girl (Dennis Lyxzén, Refused)
1:36:14 Myage (Davey Havoc, AFI)
1:38:15 Bikeage (Davey Havoc, AFI)
1:41:00 Suburban Home (Jim Lindberg, Pennywise, Wraths, Black Pacific)
1:42:52 I Wanna Be A Bear (Jim Lindberg, Pennywise, Wraths, Black Pacific)
1:44:08 Clean Sheets (Matt Skiba, Alkaline Trio, Blink 182)
Shot on:
Nikon d5100 Stage Left, Felony Ron (Wide Right)
Nikon d5100 Sound Booth, Gagg Green (Wide Group)
Canon t5i Stage Left, Mike Fear (Karl Cam)
Canon t5i Stage Right, Tali Winshman (Stephen Cam)
Canon Stage Right, Anthony Hernandez - (Stephen Low Cam)
GoPro Hero 2 (drum cam) (Bill Cam)
Zoom H6N: X/Y Mics at 90°. No xlr inputs used
Adjusted & Edited on FCPX by Felony Ron
On this recording ALL are:
Chad Price - Vocals
Scott Reynolds - Vocals
Karl Alvarez - Bass
Stephen Egerton - Guitar
Bill Stevenson - Drums
On this recording Descendents are:
London May - Vocals
Phi Lo - Vocals
James, Justin & Deedle - Vocals
Scott Reynolds - Vocals
Jen Ravazi - Vocals
Chad Price - Vocals
Marko DeSantis & Ken Stringfellow - Vocals
Dennis Lyxzén - Vocals
Davey Havoc - Vocals
Jim Lindberg - Vocals
Matt Skiba - Vocals
Karl Alvarez - Bass
Stephen Egerton - Guitar
Bill Stevenson - Drums
Show Sponsors:
Vannen: http://www.Vannenwatches.com
Filmage: http://www.filmagemovie.com
Kingsroad merch: http://kingsroadmerch.com/descendents/
Hi My Name Is Mark: http://himynameismark.com
Noisey: http://noisey.vice.com/
Decedents Q&A after movie:
#DESCENDENTS #Filmage #ALL #FelonyFilms #ALLband #ALLdescendents #ALLlive
End credit links:
A Wilhelm Scream - Boat Builders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1-gPfinqCk
Descendents - It’s Not Dead Fest (Coming Soon)
Flag - Moose Lodge - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsZt8yiwN-o
Drag The River - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3aG9y3rh4g
Descendents - PRB 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSosXT8Jwls
ALL - PRB 2014 https://youtu.be/r6ovkt3fVig