"Spells" directed by Mykyta Samusiev, produced by Anna Tveritina and Visual Effects, Director, Producer Henry Lipatov. Special appearance by Taylor Reynolds, Maria Granberg and Brianna Barnes.
“It was my pleasure to create the wonderful world of SPELLS for ORGY. It was a lot of fun!” Henry Lipatov
Hey Fans, Friends and Fiends,
We just wanted to reach out during these hard times to let you know we haven't forgotten about all of you. These times are especially difficult for everyone, not just the music industry. While it's probably for the best, it sure does suck, not being able to perform live for all of you. We miss it just as much as you probably do, if not more. We can't wait to get the new record to you either. We have restructured and reshaped the sound again, to bring you something u can sink your teeth (fangs, etc.) into.
While we are utilizing this downtime to work, we were forced to do everything from our individual houses, so we moved out of studios and into our cribs so that we can continue to push forward with the record.
However, we had been sitting on a video for the song "Spells" directed by Mykyta Samusiev, produced by Anna Tveritina and Visual Effects, Director, Producer Henry Lipatov. We figured (even tho so much has changed regarding the sound of Orgy since then), why not at least release the "Spells" video on all major platforms, & give it away to any of you that want it.
That being said we hope u enjoy it.
We hope the video will at least be a distraction from all the drama going on out there!
Stay Safe, Stay Well, & most importantly Stay Optimistic. We will ALL get through these complicated times.
We are with each and every one of you!
Looking forward to seeing all of you again with a new record and tour when they open live music venues hopefully in 2021!!
Hope all of you can make it!
Big ups in large doses,
Jay & Orgy
#newmusic #staysafe #blm #sticktogether #unity&peace
#orgy #spells #spellsvideo