TAAZAN | Cicada | How to Cook ? | Ziarat | Balochistan | Pakistan |
Uploader: Balochistan: Land of Beauty
Original upload date: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sat, 27 Nov 2021 22:42:11 GMT
Taazan is Pashto name of Cicada, which is an insect. In some part of the province, people also call it Taz or Dombo, in Zirarat it's famous with the name of Tazaan.
It's a low fat and high protein ed
ible insect, that why the local people eat it with delight.
It is also known as shrimp of the land. Tazaan lay dormant in the ground for 13 - 17 years and come out in late spring and early summer.
In Ziarat, the Tazaan (Cicada) emerg in million in the month of May and June, when there is less rain. Local people collect them in bulk quantity.
The cook different delicious dishes from Tazaan and also dry them to use them in the winter season.
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