Original upload date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 01:28:11 GMT
Kurash is an ancient form of martial art originating from Uzbekistan. There are three scoring points viz. Halal, Yambosh and Chala. The player who scores a Halal wins the bout. To score a Halal you ne
ed to throw your opponent on his back with full control, force and speed. The throw that is close to Halal is given Yambosh. Two Yambosh makes a Halal. The throw that is close to Yambosh is given Chala. No number of Chala can equal a Yambosh. There are three penalties in Kurash. The first penalty is called Tambik, second penalty is Daki and the third penalty is Girrom which means disqualification. Unlike Judo there is no ground work in Kurash. The bout starts with salutation which is called Tazim. And to pause the bout Tokta is used and to cancel a point Bekar is used. Kurash Association of India (KAI) is affiliated to International Kurash Association (IKA). The President of Kurash Association of India is Shri Jagdish Tytler, General Secretary is Shri Ravi Kapoor and Joint Secretary is Shri Ravi Verma. Shri Jagdish Tytler is also International Kurash Association's Chairman.