Original upload date: Wed, 14 Dec 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 11:27:34 GMT
This video was recorded at FTC 2016 - http://saiconference.com/FTC
HPCC (High-Performance Computing Cluster), also known as DAS (Data Analytics Supercomputer), is an open source, data-intensive compu
ting system platform developed by LexisNexis Risk Solutions. The HPCC platform incorporates a software architecture implemented on commodity computing clusters to provide high-performance, data-parallel processing for applications utilizing big data. The HPCC platform includes system configurations to support both parallel batch data processing (Thor) and high-performance online query applications using indexed data files (Roxie). The HPCC platform also includes a data-centric declarative programming language for parallel data processing called ECL.
The HPCC Systems platform is a complete open source solution for big data processing and analytics. The platform includes:
Massively scalable data refinery environment for ingesting and transforming structured or unstructured big data from diverse sources
Data delivery engine for real-time querying and data warehousing
Powerful programming language optimized for big data processing
Standards-based web services platform for end user access to big data queries
More keynotes from the Future Technology Conference
Cognitive Computing by Laura Haas
FBI Technology in Investigations by
Autonomous flights by Ella Atkins
Creating Powerful Dashboards for higher education - Chris Boosalis
Upcoming Conference: https://saiconference.com/FTC