Original upload date: Sun, 29 Sep 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021 04:55:48 GMT
In 2016, Mary Colwell walked 500 miles across Ireland, Wales and England to find out why the beautiful and iconic wading bird, the Curlew, is disappearing. In the 1980s there were over 5,000 breeding
pairs, today fewer than 140 remain. Many factors bear down on ground-nesting birds like Curlew - the way we farm the land (such as frequent silage cutting, harrowing and rolling, which destroy eggs and chicks), the spread of plantations of sitka spruce, predation by large numbers of foxes and crows - and the drainage and burning of bogs. The best way to help us make the best decisions about the future of nature is to reconnect people with the natural world and Mary is introducing a GCSE in Natural History in England. Mary’s two books, Curlew Moon, about the walk and the decline of curlews, and her first book - John Muir, The Scotsman who Saved America’s Wild Places - are available from any bookshops and online sellers.
Bio diversity in Ireland.