The Strecker Memorandum - AIDS is a man made disease
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Original upload date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 02:11:51 GMT
Please read the description! Because of the bad quality of the video - the audio is fine - I think You Tube has left it still uncensored.
The Strecker Memorandum is a 96 minute Video Tape and one of
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the most controversial video tapes you will ever see. (for dvd quality click here)
Robert B. Strecker M.D. PhD, presents with document evidence the Truth about AIDS being a Man-Made Disease. In his video he lectures how the AIDS Virus was Predicted, Requested, Created and introduced into human population through Medical Injection Programs. Dr. Strecker practices Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology in Los Angeles as a trained pathologist, with a PhD in Pharmacology.
Dr. Strecker was speaking also at the 1993 Wembley (London) Global Deception Conference, together with the late Milton William Cooper.
His speech can be found here:
Taping was made difficult at that time, that is also why the quality of videos is not up to date, but they were worked on to improve. Get the message out.
There are many more references on AIDS/HIV being man made (House of Numbers - The HIV/Aids war on people:
and it also perfectly matches the agenda of TPTB - depopulation, looting africa, experimenting with viruses (HIV Virus was NEVER isolated!!) mean: Constructing powerfull Bio-weapons to decimate the population to ultimately around 500 Million people
Georgia Guidestones
Listen to him speak at 2:50 he talks about how Bayer approached these techniques and have already found the cured. This video was released in 1988 so that was like 20 years ago... So I can assume that they have the cure 20 years ago and suppressed it from the people for population control. Who knows how many different types of cure technique exist today, dozens if not hundreds. Watch the Documentary "The Strecker Memorandum" and how Robert B. Strecker MD PhD talks about the Truth about the origin of Man-Made HIV/AIDs. In his video he lectures how the AIDS Virus was Predicted, Requested, Created and introduced into human population through Medical Injection Programs. The Truth is that AIDs is a mix of Cow and Sheep virus. The Genes of the Aids virus don't look like monkeys, they are very familiar to viruses called Bovine Leukemia virus of cattle and/or Visna virus of sheep. He can associate that HIV/AIDs were insisted by the WHO.
AIDS Spread Linked to Smallpox Vaccine
London Times Website Requires Payment to View Article
on possible link between AIDS and Smallpox Vaccine
Source: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6068096409136912010 (unavailable from 2020)
Hour of the Truth on Bitchute:
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VIMEO channel: https://vimeo.com/user45043799
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