Lunch Poems - Richard Berengarten
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Original upload date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sat, 11 Dec 2021 01:24:04 GMT
Richard Berengarten (aka Richard Burns) was born in London in 1943. George Szirtes described him as "one of the major half-hidden poets of England". The author of more
than twenty books, Berengarten has been something of a maverick in contemporary British poetry. Two of his books are regarded as contemporary classics: The Manager and The Blue Butterfly, an elegy for victims of a Nazi massacre in former Yugoslavia. A book of essays about his work, The Salt Companion to Richard Berergarten, has recently appeared. He is a Bye-Fellow at Downing College, Cambridge. This will be his first reading in the Bay Area in almost twenty years.
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