Original upload date: Sun, 06 May 2012 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sat, 11 Dec 2021 01:36:45 GMT
Taroona High's winning performance in the 1997 Tasmanian Rockeistedfod Challenge.
(0.00min - 10.00min)
Also footage for all of the awards won by the competing Tasmanian schools in 1997.
- 20.00min)
Taroona High wins & Tasmanian broadcast of Taroona High performance and interviews.
(20.00min - 29.00min)
Finally, the 1997 National Australian Rockeistedfod Challenge Finalists.
In this broadcast another Tasmanian school was incorrectly announced as having won first place. This school did have a much bigger budget for the sets, costumes, make up etc.
(29.00min - 34.00min)
Nawww memories...