The Coke Zero & Mentos Rocket Car
Uploader: EepyBird
Original upload date: Mon, 31 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sat, 11 Dec 2021 01:21:59 GMT
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Driver on closed track. Don't try this without professional help.
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About The Coke Zero & Mentos Rocket Car
After years of work, the Coke & Mentos guys have harnessed the explosive power of these geysers and achieved human propulsion! 108 bottles of Coke Zero and 648 Mentos mints combine to propel EepyBird into the annals of unusual records.
The music is an original track by BT, written just for this video. Check out http://www.BTMusic.com
How Does This Work?
This is one not to try at home.
The Coke Zero & Mentos Rocket Car uses a piston mechanism: a six-foot long rod sits inside a six-foot long tube attached to each bottle of Coke Zero. When the Mentos drop into the soda, the pressure tries to push the rod out of the tube. With 108 rods all pushing at once, that gives us a lot of power.
All that power is pushing against a wall braced with 3,600 pounds of cement blocks. So all the force is directed into moving the Coke Zero & Mentos Rocket Car forward. We get one big push for six feet, and then it's all coasting from there.
Want to know what makes the soda fly out of the bottle? Will you explode if you drink Coke and eat Mentos? Click here to find out:
Don't Try This at Home!
Seriously, don't try this at home. There is a huge amount of power involved, and we don't want you to get hurt.
What you can (and should) try at home is the Coke & Mentos geyser: you can get your own Coke & Mentos Kit at http://www.eepystore.com that includes nozzles just like the ones we use in our geyser videos, or you can click here to learn how you can make Coke & Mentos geysers with stuff from around your house:
The Coke Zero & Mentos Rocket Car by EepyBird: Fritz Grobe (the short one) and Stephen Voltz (the tall one). Directed by Rob Cohen. Music by BT. Produced by Dooma Wendschuh & sekretagent. Filmed in Tustin, California. Thanks to the incomparable EepyBird pit crew: Mike Miclon, Big Dave Tardy, Matt Tardy, and Casey Turner.
The Coke Zero & Mentos Rocket Car was welded together from an odd assortment of parts by Nick Salvati with light-saber-wielding assistance from Mike Miclon. Special thanks to the experimental research team from the Oddfellow Theater, including Mike Miclon, Matt Tardy, Jason Tardy, Dave Tardy, Casey Turner, Sid Edwards, and Brian Miclon.
And thanks to Stafford Green, Craig Cuchra, and all the folks at Coke Zero and Mentos for helping make this possible!