National Security Law for HK | Insight from Grenville Cross: Is it legitimate?江樂士談「港區國安法」:香港相關法律尚未健全
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Original upload date: Wed, 27 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sat, 11 Dec 2021 01:36:17 GMT
National Security Law for HK | Insight from Grenville Cross: Is it legitimate?
China has proposed a national security law for Hong Kong, which quickly caused great reactions in HK society. What is t
he legitimacy of this law? Why is it necessary for the city? How to make sure that it will not become a vacant shell?To answer these questions, DotDotNews invites Grenville Cross, the Senior Counsel & Professor of Law and former Director of Public Prosecutions of HKSAR, to clarify upon these issues. Let's check out the video now!
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