Carroll Foundation Trust = Sky News Interview 1 of 3 Adam Boulton = DSMA-Notice News Blackout Case
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Original upload date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 03:14:49 GMT
British Royal Family well seasoned commentators are believed to have remarked that the genesis o
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f the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland identity theft case lies in the forging of the birth certificate which effectively brought about a wide cadre of public figures who took advantage following the death of his mother and father respectively HRH The Princess Marina Duchess of Kent and George 5th Duke of Sutherland later HRH Prince Edward Duke of Windsor and Sir Winston S. Churchill both godfathers to Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland during the formative years.
The Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft case has revealed that the explosive Scotland Yard criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain a forensic evidential paper trail surrounding the fraudulent incorporation of HRH Charles Prince of Wales and Gerald Carroll Trusts companies which were specifically incorporated to impulse this massive City of London bank fraud heist spanning the globe.
UK Companies House “leaked” source have disclosed that the Prince’s Trust and Gerald Carroll Trusts fraudulent “dummy companies” which are named in the dossiers include the PYBT Development Fund (Northern) Ltd and the Prince’s Youth Business Trust (Southern) Ltd. Sources have said that the Prince Charles Gerald Carroll Trusts organisations focused on the major funding of young entrepreneurs within the much needed manufacturing industrial sector of the British economy.
Further sources have said that the priceless Carroll Foundation Trust trophies have also been named in the files concerning the theft of the entire collection which had a three million dollar valuation. It is understood that the trophies were a “central feature” in the wide ranging management of the Gerald Carroll Trusts good causes which involved the HM Queen Elizabeth II HRH Prince Edward Duke of Kent and HRH Charles Prince of Wales patronages.
Scotland Yard leaked sources have said that files are “centered around” the Red Cross the Royal Society of Portrait Painters the Royal Air Force Association the Royal Air Force Benevolent the Prince’s Trust the world renowned Carroll Chair of Irish History attached to Hertford College Oxford University and the Carroll House Annapolis Maryland Trust to name but a few.
In a stunning twist it has emerged that Sir Tom Shebbeare the former comptroller of the Prince’s Trust and HRH Charles Prince of Wales charities has been named as an “expert witness” concerning these shocking revelations in the Gerald Carroll Trusts debacle.
The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Cressida Dick QPM who has an intimate knowledge of this major case of international importance.
The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft offshore tax fraud case which is encircling the former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales Lord Harry Woolf of Barnes has disclosed that two High Court Judges respectively the recently retired Sir David Eady and the Lady Justice Sharp are understood to be both seriously implicated in this case of international importance.
Sources have confirmed that the explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain a compelling evidential paper trail which surrounds the Sir David Eady and the Lady Justice Sharp “close links” with the “targeted” Withersworldwide and Goodman Derrick law firms trans-national crime syndicate who are known to have executed this massive bank fraud heist operation spanning the globe.
The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Cressida Dick QPM who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this major public interest case.
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