[4K] Prima zi de exploatare a trenurilor de metrou IVA pe M3 dupa 5 ani de pauza.
Uploader: Vlad153
Original upload date: Sun, 24 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 00:33:50 GMT
RO: Pe aceasta cale as vrea sa le multumesc si lui Andrei VV si lui [4K]MetroSpottingChannel pentru colaborarea facuta. De altfel si ei au contribuit la existenta acestui clip. :))
Link catre canalul
[4K]MetroSpottingChannel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIqFW4_G55ZLCHEkYXgk0zw
Andrei VV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkYTFuYw3fTIEynUen48mAg
EN: I wanna thank Andrei VV and [4K]MetroSpottingChannel for his collab. They collaborated for the existence of this video.
RO: Trenurile au fost introduse cu ocazia initierii probelor dinamice pe Magistrala 5 de metrou cu trenuri de metrou de tip Bombardier, iar pe Magistrala 3 s-a hotarat inlocuirea lor cu trenuri de tip Astra IVA, pana la sosirea noilor trenuri de metrou (estimat: 2022-2023)
EN: The trains were introduced with the beginning of the dynamic tests on 5th metro line of Bucharest with Bombardier metro trains, on 3rd metro line it was decided to replace the Bombardier metro trains with Astra IVA metro trains, until new metros arrive (estimated: 2022-2023)
24:17: I forgot to decrease the font size. I wanted to be written: "Cu REM 107 intre statiile Eroilor si Timpuri Noi" (translated: with REM 107 between Eroilor and Timpuri Noi). Why this minimal error? Because I rendered this video 3 times (total 5 hours lost) and I didn't notice that. :)
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