Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara "Homestead" tv spot directed by Neal Marshad
Uploader: Neal Marshad
Original upload date: Sat, 06 Nov 2010 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 01:48:00 GMT
The Citizens Committee for New York City asked Neal Marshad to direct numerous public service campaigns to help clean, green and protect the city's neighborhoods from a grass roots community organizin
g perspective.
This TV spot was one of three Neal directed and wrote in collaboration with Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara.
This spot was shot in 16mm Eastmancolor Negative 7247 with an Eclair NPR camera Zeiss 10 - 100 zoom lens, on location on Park Avenue and 67th Street in NYC's Upper East Side.
Coincidentally, a NYC sub-plot to the story: when the shoot started during early morning there was a picket line from one of the film business union Locals who were protesting the production because we neglected to hire a Teamster to handle the dolly delivery we rented that day. Producer G. Mac Brown handled the issue smoothly and agreed to hire a teamster for $117 to handle the dolly delivery.... the picket line disappeared and all lived happily ever after.
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