We Found Loads Of Extremely Rare Supercars Hidden In A Basement Worth Millions of Pounds!
Uploader: The Bearded Explorer
Original upload date: Sun, 30 Aug 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 04:02:01 GMT
I have had this building on my list for a wile now, but when someone told me there was some very special being stored in the basement I just had to investigate! When I finally found a way in which was
legal (but a bit scary) I could t believe my eyes!.... so the story goes like this, The Car Company sadly went into administration and all remaining items were seized and are due to be auctioned off early September this year. Because of the coronavirus they ended up staying down there a lot longer than planned.. hence being covered in dust etc... annoyingly the location has been sold to a bloody news paper company and they have revealed a more details then I will. But on the plus side the security has now been stepped up massively inc guard dogs, regular patrols and on-site security. Hope you enjoy the video guys, thank you again for all your support 🙂
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