Ricercar 1973-2020 / Massimo Bacigalupo
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Original upload date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Thu, 09 Dec 2021 02:11:59 GMT
Recovered silent 16mm footage from New York, 1973, edited, with a soundtrack, in memory of my wife, the dancer Angela Kirsten. A reflection on art, time, loss, and permanence through the foregrounded
medium of film. Elsewhere on YouTube you can see the unedited overexposed reel of Angela dancing Balanchine's "Ricercar", the reel which is here corrected and placed in the larger context of winter and spring, life and the seasons.The original footage was scanned by Home Movies, Bologna, and Aleksandr Balagura assisted with editiing and suggestions. When in 1975 I shot in New York my film "Postcards from America", Angela asked me if I was going to use this material (which she had not seen). "But", she added, "I would not like to be a postcard". --M.B., 2020.
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