Original upload date: Wed, 06 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:38:01 GMT
Sailing Team Racing had its first ever IYRU World Championship in 1995. The racing was fully umpired and held in firefly dinghies.This was held at West Kirby SC on the Wirral (near Liverpool). This vi
deo captures the action as the events concludes to decide the gold and silver medals between GBR and IRL. Note the races were often over more than one lap and on a variety of courses. The final 4 or 5 legs things really hot up. The video is taken from the grandstand by Spinnker Club's Geoff Jackson ...Spinnaker being the team of GBR1 competing and Geoff being a main organiser and innovator within the sport. IRL: Mark Little and Paddy Oliver, Marshall King and Rachel Crebbin, Tom Fitzpatrick and Dave McHugh GBR: Steve Tylecote and Mel Hughes, Greg Eaton and Tasha Hughes, Roger Morris and Damian Boreham