Original upload date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:55:12 GMT
My first attempt at programming a microcontroller. The controller is the C8051F120 and the code is written in Keil Assembly.
The requirements for the assignment were to create a one-dimensional versi
on of the game pong using the 8 LEDs on our peripherals board. The game was to be controlled using the 8 push buttons, and consist of three main states: Play, Stop, and Pause. We were required to allow it to be configured as either 1 or 2 player, and have 6 speed settings. Win condition is 15 points.
As extension for the task I set up both the LCD and the piezo speaker to be interfaced with the game, allowing the score, state and config to be displayed, and sounds to play throughout the game. I also added a variable volume control, a mute control, and an additional gameplay mode "Sudden death" where the win condition is one point.
Very pleased with how it turned out.